Tag Archives: Fiat X1/9

1980 Fiat X1/9

We've ventured back into the Volkswagen 8V engine world recently. Making good power for cheap is very possible - if you're willing to sacrifice originality. Making good power on original style equipment is also possible - if you're willing to sacrifice unreasonable wads of cash.

The X1/9 and its 8V engine present a similar problem: do you keep it original and patiently tolerate the crossover SUVs tailgating you from very stoplight? Do you resort to an expensive, peaky engine build? What about a cheaper force-induction build? When you're done with either, you should be able to keep up with the 1.0L Ford fiestas at least. This isn't to say that a stock X1/9 wouldn't be enjoyable, but the environment on roads today does really require some urgent acceleration.

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