“When you see me on the block, homie you don’t know me,” the seller of this GTV-6 pronounces from his front valence, but we do know that he finds a certain “Kady” and “Hari” to be important, based on his windshield decal. What else do we know? Let’s parse through the photos included in this vague Craigslist ad description to find some information.
First, the car has been aerodynamically altered – bumpers were removed, presumably to reduce drag on the racetrack, and a single plane spoiler has been engineered to decrease lift while maintaining a palatable level of drag. Surprisingly, the side mirrors were spared during the optimization process, most likely for a proper view of the trailing field on the racetrack. The interior is above average for a tan leather interior, based on what we’ve seen. Though the rear muffler is from a faster and more furious era, don’t be too quick to write it off, at least sonically speaking. Busso V6s are nearly impervious to the fart can – just hide it under the rear bumper to convey at least a modicum of taste.
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Year: 1985
Model: Alfa Romeo
Engine: 3.0L V6
Transmission: 5-speed manual
Mileage: Unknown
Price: $2,500
CLICK FOR DETAILS: 1985 Alfa Romeo GTV-6

Mechanically speaking, we rely on the seller’s description. A hot dog 164S 3.0L V6, rated at 200hp new, supplants the original 2.5L V6. In all seriousness, 3.0L GTV-6s are encouraged. No word on the last engine service, but as we’ve made clear in prior Busso V6 write-ups, the front end engine service is very reasonable to complete either in your home garage or in the trust of an Alfa mechanic. Around $1,000 or a Saturday – your choice. The transaxle, likely the original unit with an open diff, is claimed to shift without synchro grind on second gear. If true, remember to pause in neutral between shifts if you buy the car; patient shifting goes a long way in preserving shift quality.
Clearly this is not a car for a non-mechanical type, or someone looking for a no-excuses car for this spring. But, for the value shopper, we believe that unreported rust would be the only way to weaken the business for this offering. Swap the Verde wheels tea tray, bumpers, body cladding, and rear hatch sans spoiler from the parts car onto the 3.0L car, take the car into the shop for some economical but respectable paint, and work out the smaller items like brakes and suspension after you get the car back onto the street. Sell those fat Borbet wheels to recoup some cost, and make a determination on the parts car. If you have room, keep it around; otherwise, a weekend and a 6-8 large plastic totes will shrink it down to size.
Kick urself in the nutZ