In theory, a vehicle like a BMW M3 should be very capable of managing the commute during the week while proving very capable on the track on weekends. The Nürburgring is littered with M3s driven down from England for that reason. We think that the Alfa Romeo 156 GTA, which saw itself lumped with cars like the BMW M3, aimed for something different. Its purpose was to emphasize the look and feel of something like a BMW M3 in a way that made for a more remarkable experience on the road, leaving plenty of on-track performance on the table.
Starting with the handsome 156, Alfa Romeo added 17" wheels, a lower suspension, and aggressive bodywork to get to GTA form. The engine is the 3.2L variant of the Busso V6 - the last to be produced in the Arese plant, not far from where this example is offered for sale. Suspension tuning is altered, with revised sway bars, springs and shocks. Like most in the 156 range, the front wheels are driven, and that limits the track appeal for many.
Our favorite detail on this example is the Selespeed automated manual transmission. While we have trouble warming up to any automatic, the automated manual has some allure. The Ferrari F1 systems, introduced on the F355, offered a way to experience F1 technology in a road car, clunky though they were; the Selespeed system offered up that Ferrari and F1 experience in a humble Alfa Romeo.

Year: 2003
Model: Alfa Romeo 156 GTA Selespeed
Engine: 3.2L V6
Transmission: 6-speed automated manual
Mileage: 126,000 km
Price: 24,990€
Location: Rho, Italy

CLICK FOR DETAILS: 2003 Alfa Romeo 156 GTA Selespeed
Abbiamo il piacere di proporvi un rarissimo esemplare di 156 Gta Selespeed tenuto in eccellenti condizioni, corredato da libretto Service e varie fatture di lavorazioni meccaniche (tra cui la cinghia di distribuzione).
Uno dei 348 esemplare di 156 GTA Selespeed berlina, 1 delle 5 prodotte nel fantastico colore Azzurro Le Castellet che mette in risalto la tanto amata silhouette della 156 "appesantita" dal kit aerodinamico studiato appositamente per la versione GTA.
Altissimo valore collezzionistico avvalorato anche dalla prova di questo specifico esemplare apparsa su una rivista del settore.

As with any Busso V6, timing belt service is the biggest item to keep an eye on. The service can be expensive when completed with OEM parts, so it is always nice to see a recent timing belt in the service history. We see no indication of one here, so best to ask. Aside from the timing belt, keep in mind that the 156 was developed on a different magnitude of budget from contemporary European sports sedans, so be prepared for many minor frustrations along the way.
As the seller states, this car is one of 348 examples of the 156 GTA Selespeed sedan, making it somewhat of a rarity. To us, there is something so appealing about the aggressive bodywork and the highly unnecessary automated manual paired with the hottest Busso V6 to be sold in a street car. We'll be checking back in on these in 6-7 years when they become eligible for import to the US.